Just unzip it somewhere and run the .bat file on a Windows machine. Edit launcher.txt to change what shows up. It is a Java application and also has batch files for Unix or Mac.
This is free for your PERSONAL use (do not set it up on a public server), and has NO warranty expressed or implied. I will not be held responsible for loss of information or damage to property or reputation by your use of this app. Do not consider it private or secure (although it will submit forms and request pages securely, the connection between your remote/keyboard/DVR and the Enter Webz application is not secure).
EnterWebzDist-2014-12-25.zip: 1.0: Remote icons improved, hints can be turned off, title spaces fixed (vs. "\032"), table rendering adjustment, clock in status bar, asynch load of menu backgrounds, update TiVo/Remote data, handle more crashes gracefully.
EnterWebzDist-2014-11-28.zip: Major image and video handling improvements, link highlight changed, Menu changes and other UI improvements, future proxy support, slideshows won't dim, Multiplayer Cribbage game, & Blitzortung.org lightning map browser.
EnterWebzDist-2014-6-7.zip: Remote Picker and button icon improvement, memory use improvement, keyboard improved, bonus Minesweeper game & Air Quality app.
EnterWebzDist-2014-4-6.zip: User Agent updates with choice of mobile emulation and better default; remote control hints; mode hints; css & other support file download improvements; TiVoConnect URLs as web page; edit thumztak from info menu; better logging
EnterWebzDist-2014-1-9.zip: Leave thumztaks screens in history; remove loopset backgrounds; Dimmer control fixed and activates with "D"; fix Mac issues?; fixed another bug
EnterWebzDist-2013-10-31.zip: Videos and Audio in-browser / PIP, RSS & Atom Feed support, more images load now, thumztak organizing, cookie improvements, fix Mac/Linux issues, more fonts, better navigation, new UI graphics, useful idle handling, fixed Live TV & many bugs
EnterWebzDist-2013-2-5.zip: Formatting improvements, "maximize," save font size, "left is back, too", password mode, basic FRAMEs, cookie improvements, bug fixes, mac/linux launch scripts
EnterWebzDist-2013-1-13.zip: Layout improvements, changed key assignments, "thumztaks", reload key, CSS media type configuration, fix form submission with BUTTON tag buttons, only requires Java 1.5, batch file finds java automatically.