
"Headless" Solitaire game.


Class Summary
Card Represents a Playing Card
CardDeck Represents a Deck of cards.
CardStack A collection of Card objects
DeckStack A CardStack that is meant to hold the cards drawn from a CardDeck.
FreeCellGame FreeCell Card Game back end / core.
FreeCellGoalStack A CardStack used as a goal location in Solitaire
FreeCellMemento A Memento of FreeCellGame that can copy and restore the entire state of the game.
FreeCellPlayStack A CardStack that is used as an intermediate location for cards while trying to get them to the goal location in Solitaire.
FreeCellSingleStack A CardStack that is used as an intermediate location for cards while trying to get them to the goal location in Solitaire.
SolitaireGame Solitaire Card Game back end / core.
SolitaireGoalStack A CardStack used as a goal location in Solitaire
SolitaireMemento A Memento of SolitaireGame that can copy and restore the entire state of the game.
SolitairePlayStack A CardStack that is used as an intermediate location for cards while trying to get them to the goal location in Solitaire.

Package Description

"Headless" Solitaire game. Designed to be used as the core to a separately-developed interface. Instantiate a SolitaireGame, render what it reports, and act on it when the user indicates such an action.