TiVo Programs
David.Blackledge.com > TiVo
Our family was an early adopter of the TiVo...
we got a series 1 in... well, I'm not sure how long ago, probably around 2002.
We finally upgraded in 2006 when we were given the
"last chance" option to transfer our lifetime service to a new Series 3 machine.
A year later we got a TiVo HD that had a lifetime service option so we could
actually share between two rooms,
and gave our series one to my Dad to watch the superbowl with instant replay. ;]
Eventually we added a Premiere.
Anyhow, I looked into the HME programming options to add features from my computer
to the TiVos and got hooked.
Feel free to download these and use them for your own TiVos.
Drop me a line to let me know you're using them or what could be different,
or if you want other information
Downloads Available!
All of the applications are now distributed as Zip files that contain the
necessary jars and a simple .bat file to run under Windows (other platforms can use the .bat as a guide - it's just one line).
They also contain a README file for configuration information and some have another file
to explain getting the application to run via Galleon instead of the .bat file.
Check out the JavaDoc
Also check out the TiVo HME Developers Wiki and my TiVo HME Programming Group on Yahoo
Enter Webz the world's first web browser for the TiVo DVR
... includes several apps and games
Other Applications:
- Map - Browse Google Maps from your TiVo - uses my auto-completing keyboard ("TyPo for TiVo") to enter specific locations.
- Calendar - view calendars via .ics files or Urls (I.e. your Google Calendars!).
- MultiSlideshow - just the below MultiTasker architecture's sample application
- play music and slideshow from a variety of sources optionally with
e.g. a news ticker running across the bottom
(and/or captions for music and pictures in the ticker,
and a list of what is currently recording on your TiVo).
- URLMenu - quick and dirty menu based on a properties file that executes URLs from that properties file - by request in support of a user's existing home automation system that accepts url requests.
- Just for fun... "NowPlaying" ...
use streaming feature of newer TiVos to watch videos from your computer or other TiVos
without actually downloading them to the current TiVo...
even cooler, allows you to run any other available application while the
videos are playing (via the info popup).
Only really works for non-HD content unless you have a really fast home network.
TiVo Shopper - manage shopping and other lists for
Useful for in-TiVo lists even if you don't have SplashShopper
for your Palm device.
ShowFile - very simple use of the below File Chooser and Help screens. Save a file to disk and show it on your TV (e.g. Recipes)
Libraries: (most can be found in one or more of the above zips)
MultiTaskerApplication Architecture - a multitasker environment to control configurable
music/podcasts, background images, scrolling tickertape (news feed across bottom of screen),
eventually even alarm/event popups and a scrolling console text for e.g. a chat area.
Build your app to use those features or just let the user-configured features run
while they use your main app.
Components for TiVo programmers! (Bananas UI Toolkit based)
Gadgets (built out of widgets)-
simple Help Screen - display some text with paging (ch up/down) and font size selection (ff/rw);
StringGetterScreen - make your string entry have a secondary screen for the keyboard (uses the below TyPo for TiVo auto-completing keyboard
QuickKeyboard actually);
NumberGetterScreen - same thing using my NumberEntry widget.
File Chooser screen/list - explores filesystem of local computer to get a file/folder path.
ColorChooser Screen - meant especially for "Color" type preferences in MultiTaskerPreferences.
Widgets -
- TyPo for TiVo - another keyboard idea, this one is auto-completing. Available in the widgetsGadgets jar.
QuickKeyboard (qk subpackage) - much better way to do a keyboard, IMO,
only 2 button presses per letter usually. Has many handler options including a
phone-like textmessaging keyboard, and
a enter-the-number-for-the-alphabet-letter keyboard (01=a, 26=z),
numbers for directions (including diagonal)...
totally expandable. Uses the Remote images.
NumberEntry - only uses remote number buttons (and rec for decimal);
Choice - a single-select type of widget
[handle Select key to go to StringGetterScreen to add to the list!];
GenericList - a BList that is even easier to work with (just uses the toString of your objects);
Constants - everybody ends up doing this
- mine is the interface class "TiVo" and holds constants for system sounds and fonts.
- HMO Client classes -
JavaHMO has classes to be an HMO SERVER,
but I haven't found any Java to be a CLIENT so we can read data from the TiVo in a structured way
- so far works well enough for me to get what I wanted:
info on what is currently recording on the TiVo (for a TickerTape in MultiTasker).
Last modified: November, 2014