Uses of Class

Packages that use CardStack "Headless" Solitaire game. 

Uses of CardStack in

Subclasses of CardStack in
 class DeckStack
          A CardStack that is meant to hold the cards drawn from a CardDeck.
 class FreeCellGoalStack
          A CardStack used as a goal location in Solitaire
 class FreeCellPlayStack
          A CardStack that is used as an intermediate location for cards while trying to get them to the goal location in Solitaire.
 class FreeCellSingleStack
          A CardStack that is used as an intermediate location for cards while trying to get them to the goal location in Solitaire.
 class SolitaireGoalStack
          A CardStack used as a goal location in Solitaire
 class SolitairePlayStack
          A CardStack that is used as an intermediate location for cards while trying to get them to the goal location in Solitaire.

Fields in declared as CardStack
 CardStack SolitaireGame.handStack
          When the user picks up a card or a stack of cards, they are held in this stack.
 CardStack FreeCellGame.handStack
          When the user picks up a card or a stack of cards, they are held in this stack.

Methods in that return CardStack
 CardStack SolitaireDeck.draw()
 CardStack CardDeck.draw()
          Override for different default draw behavior.
 CardStack CardDeck.draw(int num)
          Draw the specified number of cards from the deck.
 CardStack CardStack.getReverse()
          Get a new CardStack instance that contains the same cards as this stack, but in reverse order.
 CardStack CardStack.pickUp(int i)
          Grab part of the stack off of the current instance, removing them from this instance.

Methods in with parameters of type CardStack
 boolean SolitaireGoalStack.canStack(CardStack handStack)
 boolean FreeCellSingleStack.canStack(CardStack stack)
 boolean FreeCellGoalStack.canStack(CardStack handStack)
 boolean DeckStack.canStack(CardStack stack)
 boolean CardStack.canStack(CardStack stack)

Constructors in with parameters of type CardStack
CardDeck(CardStack cards)
          Create a Deck of cards containing the cards in the supplied stack.
SolitaireDeck(CardStack stack)

Uses of CardStack in com.blackledge.david.tivo.solitaire

Methods in com.blackledge.david.tivo.solitaire that return CardStack
protected  CardStack TivoSolitaireMulti.gameHandStack()
protected  CardStack TivoSolitaire.gameHandStack()
protected  CardStack TivoFreeCellMulti.gameHandStack()
protected  CardStack TivoFreeCell.gameHandStack()
protected  CardStack[] TivoSolitaireMulti.gamePlayStack()
protected  CardStack[] TivoSolitaire.gamePlayStack()
protected  CardStack[] TivoFreeCellMulti.gamePlayStack()
protected  CardStack[] TivoFreeCell.gamePlayStack()

Methods in com.blackledge.david.tivo.solitaire with parameters of type CardStack
protected  com.tivo.hme.bananas.BView TivoSolitaireMulti.getViewOfPlayStackToFocus(CardStack[] gameStack, CardStack playStack)
protected  com.tivo.hme.bananas.BView TivoSolitaireMulti.getViewOfPlayStackToFocus(CardStack[] gameStack, CardStack playStack)
protected  com.tivo.hme.bananas.BView TivoSolitaire.getViewOfPlayStackToFocus(CardStack[] gameStack, CardStack playStack)
protected  com.tivo.hme.bananas.BView TivoSolitaire.getViewOfPlayStackToFocus(CardStack[] gameStack, CardStack playStack)
protected  com.tivo.hme.bananas.BView TivoFreeCellMulti.getViewOfPlayStackToFocus(CardStack[] gameStack, CardStack playStack)
protected  com.tivo.hme.bananas.BView TivoFreeCellMulti.getViewOfPlayStackToFocus(CardStack[] gameStack, CardStack playStack)
protected  com.tivo.hme.bananas.BView TivoFreeCell.getViewOfPlayStackToFocus(CardStack[] gameStack, CardStack playStack)
protected  com.tivo.hme.bananas.BView TivoFreeCell.getViewOfPlayStackToFocus(CardStack[] gameStack, CardStack playStack)
protected  void TivoSolitaireMulti.layoutGoalStacks(com.tivo.hme.sdk.Resource cardMoveAnimation, CardStack[] goalStacks)
protected  void TivoSolitaire.layoutGoalStacks(com.tivo.hme.sdk.Resource cardMoveAnimation, CardStack[] goalStacks)
protected  void TivoSolitaireMulti.layoutPlayStacks(com.tivo.hme.sdk.Resource cardMoveAnimation, CardStack[] playStacks)
protected  void TivoSolitaire.layoutPlayStacks(com.tivo.hme.sdk.Resource cardMoveAnimation, CardStack[] playStacks)