Package com.blackledge.david.tivo.hmoclient

The HMOClient package is designed to encapsulize interaction from Java with an HMO server such as a Tivo (containing Video items) or another computer serving images and music.
Video items are not documented in the HMO specification but have been implemented by observation of results.
Example of processing against a TiVo:


Class Summary
AudioItem <ArtistName>{text}</ArtistName> <AlbumTitle>{text}</AlbumTitle> <SongTitle>{text}</SongTitle> <AlbumYear>{date}</AlbumYear> <MusicGenre>{text}</MusicGenre> <SourceBitRate>{bits-per-second}</SourceBitRate> <SourceSampleRate>{samples-per-second}</SourceSampleRate> <Duration>{msecs}</Duration> <RecordLabel>{text}</RecordLabel>
Container an HMO Container representation which contains meta information and a list of items that may be Containers or Audio or Video or Image information.
ContainerItem <TotalItems>{count}</TotalItems> <TotalSize>{bytes}</TotalSize> <TotalDuration>{msecs}</TotalDuration>
ContainerRequest Class to set up a request for a container and parse the results back for us.
HMOSession Class to track a client session against an HMO server, e.g.
ImageItem <CaptureDate>{date}</CaptureDate> <SourceWidth>{pixels}</SourceWidth> <SourceHeight>{pixels}</SourceHeight> <SourceColors>{count}</SourceColors> <SourceResolution>{dpi}<SourceResolution> <Caption>{text}</Caption> <Keywords>{comma-delimited-text}</Keywords>
Item Superclass of all Items in HMO listing.
VideoItem Undocumented Video Item type for HMO, based on "ContentType=video/x-tivo-raw-tts".

Package com.blackledge.david.tivo.hmoclient Description

The HMOClient package is designed to encapsulize interaction from Java with an HMO server such as a Tivo (containing Video items) or another computer serving images and music.
Video items are not documented in the HMO specification but have been implemented by observation of results.
Example of processing against a TiVo:

            try {
                // Do a whole bunch of junk to make an https connection to the
                // TiVo with a specific login/password, an invalid/unknown
                // hostname (just IP), and an untrusted certificate signer.
                Authenticator.setDefault( new MyAuthenticator("tivo",mediaKey) );
                TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[] { new X509TrustManager() {
                    public[] getAcceptedIssuers() { return null;  }
                    public void checkClientTrusted([] certs, String authType) 
                    { }
                    public void checkServerTrusted([] certs, String authType) 
                    { }
                } };
                SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");
                sc.init(null, trustAllCerts, new;
                SSLSocketFactory socketFactory = sc.getSocketFactory();
                if(HttpsURLConnection.getDefaultSSLSocketFactory() !=socketFactory) {
                    throw new Exception("UNABLE TO SET SSLSocketFactory!");
                MyHostVerifier mhv = new MyHostVerifier();
                HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier( mhv );
                if(HttpsURLConnection.getDefaultHostnameVerifier() != mhv) {
                    throw new Exception("UNABLE TO SET HostnameVerifier!");

                // authenticator takes care of user/pass
                URL url = new URL("https://"+host);
                // Set up the HMO session and get the root.
                HMOSession hmo = new HMOSession(url);
                ContainerRequest req1 = hmo.newRootRequest();
                Container root = req1.execute( 0, 1 );
                Item rootsChild = (Item)root.getItems().get( 0 );
                // make a real request from the root (now playing).
                // get the 5 most recently created items check which are in progress
                if(rootsChild.isContainer()) {
                    ContainerRequest req = rootsChild.newContainerRequest();
                    req.addReverseOrder( ContainerRequest.ORDER_CREATION_DATE );
                    req.setRecursive( true );
                    Container first5 = req.execute( 0, 5 );
                    Throwable loadError = first5.getLoadError();
                    if(loadError != null) {
                        if(loadError instanceof Exception) {
                            throw (Exception)loadError;
                        } else {
                            throw new Exception(loadError.getMessage(),loadError);

                    List items = first5.getItems();
                    if(items != null) {
                        for( Iterator iter = items.iterator() ; iter.hasNext() ; ) {
                            Object obj =;
                            if(obj instanceof VideoItem) {
                                VideoItem item = (VideoItem)obj;
                                if(item.isInProgress()) {

            } catch(Exception e) {
                app.getFactory().log( ILogger.LOG_WARNING, e.toString() );